How To Replace a Medical Marijuana Card in Illinois

Replacement For Illinois Medical Marijuana Card Online

Can I Replace My Illinois Medical Marijuana Card?

Yes, you can replace your Illinois medical marijuana card before its expiration date. An Illinois medical marijuana card may be replaced if lost, damaged, or stolen.

Do I Need to Report a Lost or Stolen Illinois Medical Marijuana Card?

To report a medical cannabis card loss, call or email the Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Medical Cannabis within 10 business days of the loss, theft, or damage of your Illinois medical cannabis card.

How to Get a Replacement Medical Marijuana Card in Illinois

With the Illinois Department of Public Health no longer issuing plastic medical marijuana cards, replacement medical marijuana cards are now processed online. To obtain a replacement medical marijuana card, log in to your account on the Illinois Cannabis Tracking System and print your card from the MCPP Patient Registration tab.

Cost of an Illinois Medical Marijuana Replacement Card

Patients no longer need to pay the $25 fee for replacement cards. They can now print a replacement medical cannabis card free of charge from their accounts on the Illinois Cannabis Tracking System.

How Long to Get a Replacement Illinois Medical Marijuana Card?

You can obtain a replacement Illinois medical marijuana card instantly from your account on the Illinois Cannabis Tracking System. Since plastic cards are no longer printed, replacement medical cannabis cards can be downloaded immediately from the patient's profile on the Illinois CTS.

Replacement For Medical Marijuana Card

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